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Foot Health

A podiatrist or ‘foot doctor’ can help if you have sore feet, to help cut toenails, and look after skin problems.

Eye Health

An optometrist is an expert in eye health, trained to prescribe glasses and contact lenses, and treat eye sickness such as dry eye, allergies and infections.


The dietitian will help you learn about what to eat and drink so you can be healthier or to stay healthy. They can help everyone from little kids to old people.

Dental Health

The dentist will help you to clean and protect your teeth and gums, and look after problems such as pain and infections.

Calling the clinic or for medicine? 
Get through direct:

Medicines: 8958 4578
Sadadeen Clinic: 7999 6400
Larapinta Clinic: 7999 6450
Gap Clinic: 8951 4444