Your medicines

To order your medication phone (08) 8958 4578 or email

Sometimes your doctor will prescribe you medicines. Medicines help prevent, treat or cure sickness.

To make getting your medicines as easy as possible, you can collect your medicines from the medicine room at Gap Clinic or to your closest Congress clinic.

Congress may be able to bring your medicines to you if you are unable to get to the clinic. If you have one, your carer should collect your medication if you are unable to.

If you live at Mutitjulu, Utju, Santa Teresa, Ntaria or Amoonguna, you can pick up your medicines from your clinic. If you are visiting Alice Springs make sure you bring your medicines with you. 

The Congress Bush Mobile visits clients who live on outstations within 100km of Alice Springs and delivers medication as required. Clients access this service via a referral from clinical staff.

It is important that you don’t run out of medicine so make sure you order and pick it up before you run out. You should order your medication one week before you run out so that it is ready for you at your usual clinic.


Available at

To order your medication phone (08) 8958 4578 or email
