Care Coordination

Care coordinators are nurses or Aboriginal health practitioners who assist clients who have complex or chronic health conditions.

Care coordinators assist clients by monitoring and coordinating care and treatment plans with other service providers and specialists.

Care coordinators are located at each town clinic and do outreach with the Social & Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) team.

How to access this service

You should talk with your doctor if you think a care coordinator can help you.

Call 1800 142 900 or your local clinic.

Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program, funded by NTPHN, aims to

  1. Contribute to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic health conditions through access to care coordination, multidisciplinary care, and support for self management ; and
  2. Improve access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care services including but not limited to general practice, allied health and specialists ) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people .

The ITC program funds the majority of the Congress Care Coordinator positions. You can read more here. 

Important contacts

Care Coordination Manager  (ITC & FAAD)

Tony Corcoran

0429 796 642


Chronic Disease Care Coordinators

Gap Clinic

Erin McKenzie                

0490 762 561

Darren Riches

0491 174 217 

Larapinta Clinic

Northside Clinic

Brendan Simmonds

0427 231 282 

Sadadeen Clinic

(*to late Jan 2023)

Maryanne Cantwell

0455 499 125 

Renal Care Coordinators

Various sites

Kristine David

0400 476 891

Gap Clinic

Nissani Sijoy (3 days p/w)

Morenike Nwakor-Osaji

0491 094 907


Lorraine Gilbert (2 days p/w)

0400 654 319

Renal Case Manager (non ITC)

Gap Clinic

Kathleen (Kraut) Hauth

8951 4478 

Frail, Aged and Disability (FAAD) Care Coordinator


Elaine Campbell

0437 788 796 

Regional Chronic Disease Care Coordinator

Alice Springs, for clients visiting from remote locations



  • ITC: Integrated Team Care program, funded by NT PHN
  • FAAD: Frail Aged and Disability Program (Congress)


  • Chronic Disease Care Coordination – coordinating multi-disciplinary care and service access for clients with chronic disease who meet the ITC program eligibility criteria.
  • Renal Care Coordination – coordinating multi-disciplinary primary health care for clients with end stage kidney disease who are on dialysis.
  • Regional Care Coordination – supports the needs of clients from remote communities serviced by Congress (including Mutitjulu, Areyonga, Ntaria & Wallace Rockhole, Santa Teresa and Amoonguna). The regional care coordinator provides transitional support for remote community clients visiting Alice Springs for medical care.


Calling the clinic or dispensary? Get through direct:

Dispensary (Medicines): 8958 4578
Sadadeen Clinic: 7999 6400
Larapinta Clinic: 7999 6450
Gap Clinic: 8951 4444