Tackling Indigenous Smoking

Quitting can be hard but it is worth it for your health, your pocket and the example you are setting for your family. 

There are plenty of supports around that can help you give up the smokes for good!

If you want or need help quitting, Congress’ Tackling Tobacco team can help. We can give you advice and support, tell you about our programs and share your journey with you. We can also talk to you about Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and refer you to a doctor when you are ready to take the next step. 

We aim to prevent smoking and help organisations with smoke-free workplaces.

Congress runs quit smoking support programs and education at schools and in communities in Central Australia through hands-on, interactive education activities to prevent people taking up smoking. Topics include the impacts of tobacco, chemicals and addiction, and second and third hand smoke.

Congress also supports organisations to implement smoke-free workplace policies – deadly places, smoke free spaces.

Activities of the Tackling Tobacco program include:

  • Community education programs on the harmful effects of smoking and how to access quitting support
  • Facilitation of quit support groups
  • Support homes, workplaces and community spaces to become smoke free through policy development, signage and education sessions
  • Workforce development training in brief intervention

The program aims to improve the health of Aboriginal people, through locally driven population health activities with an aim to reduce the harm of tobacco.

Congress received a grant in 2016 to deliver population health based activities through the National Tackling Indigenous Smoking program.

For more information

Call us on 0438 470 408.


Calling the clinic? Get through direct:

Sadadeen Clinic: 7999 6400

Larapinta Clinic: 7999 6450

Gap Clinic: 8951 4444