Nominations for the Congress Board open now!

Nominations are open four (4) Member Director positions on the Congress Board of Directors, including one (1) Youth Representative Member Director position, for Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Aboriginal Corporation (Congress), to be appointed at the 2021 Annual General Meeting.

All member nominees between 18 and 30 will be considered for the Youth Representative position first. After the Youth Representative is determined, the remaining member nominees aged between 18 and 30 will be considered as part of the general Member Director category. 

All Congress members are invited to nominate to be on the Congress Board.

Nominations close 5pm Friday, 10 September 2021

Applications will be assessed by the Congress Board and Governance Subcommittee in accordance with the application form and guidelines. 

In the event that there are more nominations than the vacant positions, members will be invited to vote by postal ballot prior to the AGM, with last minute voting also available one hour prior to the start of the AGM.

The guidelines are available here

The application form is available for download here

The election result will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.


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