The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (Congress) has announced it will purchase the
Memo Club building in Todd Street to bring many of its programs into one location and
embed itself within an emerging health precinct in Alice Springs.
Congress CEO, Ms Donna AhChee said the development at 127 Todd Street, will allow the
Congress client and administrative services divisions to be co-located in an area relevant to
its customers and also its health sector partners.
“Client services will move to the new premises which will include alcohol and other drug
cessation, social and emotional well-being, family support services and our corporate
division,” she said.
“The purchase is to be funded from infrastructure and asset reserves built over time through
conservative and responsible financial management and ensures Congress delivers on the
2015-2018 Strategic Plan of the organisation,” she said.
With a commitment to providing evidence based primary health care in locations most
accessible to clients, earlier this year Congress also opened new clinics at Larapinta and
Sadadeen. An additional clinic is planned for North-Side.
Ms AhChee said modelling shows this acquisition will also result in future cost savings to
Congress through ending four separate commercial leases and removing associated
administrative costs which means we can direct savings into areas of need.
“The benefits however are much greater than cost. This contributes to Congress’ long-term
sustainability, its focus on improving accessibility to community, its closeness to our health
sector partners, meeting future demand for its services and to our mission to improve the
health of Aboriginal people in Central Australia.”
“Our employees are excited by this news and we look forward to making a positive
contribution to our new neighbourhood.”
Ms AhChee said the purchase follows a lengthy search for suitable properties and was
assisted in the sale by professional commercial property negotiators.
“There are a number of conditions of sale, including development consent, but the plan is for
building works will begin in 2017 with construction completed by early 2018,” she said.