Help to stop smoking
Are you ready to quit smoking? Seeing a doctor or other health professional is a good first step when planning to quit.
Second-hand Smoke is smoke released from the burning end of a cigarette and from smoke breathed out by the smoker. Breathing in second hand smoke can also be referred to as passive smoking.
Third-hand Smoke – Refers to the chemicals and particles from the second hand smoke that settle onto our clothes, furniture, carpet, toys and dust. Third hand smoke is also found on the clothing, skin and hair of people who smoke.
Cigarettes contain around 7,000 chemicals, made up of harmful particles including hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Over 70 of which are known to cause cancer. Smoking in your home or car gives your loved ones no choice but to inhale these toxins as well.
Chemicals found in second-hand smoke such as ammonia, Sulphur and Formaldehyde damage the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. These toxins are especially harmful to people with lung conditions such as bronchitis or asthma. Exposure to second-hand smoke can trigger or worsen symptoms.
Why does Tobacco smoke stick around in our homes and cars? Tobacco smoke inside a room or your car tends to hang in mid-air rather than disperse. Hot smoke rises, but tobacco smoke cools rapidly, which stops its upward climb. Since the smoke is heavier than the air, the smoke starts to descend.
A person who smokes heavily indoors creates a low-lying smoke cloud that your loved ones have no choice but to breathe in.
Are you ready to quit smoking? Seeing a doctor or other health professional is a good first step when planning to quit.
Quitting can be hard but it is worth it for your health, your pocket and the example you are setting for your family. There are