NDIS Therapy Services
How can Congress NDIS Therapy Services help you?
They provide children and young people with therapy from a:
- speech pathologist to look at the way your child understands and communicates with others
- occupational therapist to look at the way your child’s body moves and how they engage in activities at home and school.
They also provide adults with therapy from a:
- occupational therapist to look at how to make activities of daily living easier
- physiotherapist to help you to get strong so you can move your body better
Congress has a strong history working with Aboriginal people within Central Australia. This is a declared conflict of interest however, we are here to support you if you require our assistance.
Phone: 0490 673 961
Email: ndistherapy@caac.org.au
To access NDIS Therapy Services, this form needs to be completed and email to ndistherapy@caac.org.au with supporting documentation.