Northside Clinic temporary closure

Northside clinic is closed until 8:30am Monday 12 September due to the unexpected impact of urgent repairs. The reopening date has been extended due to forecasted rain.
During this period, other town clinics will be open as normal.

Unfortunately, due to the unexpected impact of roof works at Northside Clinic, the clinic will be closed until the end of next week (reopening 8:30am Monday 12 September). All other town clinics will resume regular opening hours for the week, with Northside staff being redeployed to ensure staffing levels.

This decision has been made due to health and safety concerns related to dust and building materials, as well as the privacy of consult rooms being compromised.

All services will be available for Northside clients through other town clinics during this period and transport will be available for you as needed.

  • To make an appointment or organise transport, Northside Clients should make an appointment another town clinic by calling 1800 142 900 (select the next closest clinic to you)
  • Clients with existing appointments will be contacted directly
  • Walk-ins may be available at other clinics, but calling first will help manage waiting times.
  • Medications are available everyday from Gap Clinic Pharmacy. To order medications phone 8958 4578 or email

Clinics will then resume service 4 days per week as per this notice

We apologise for the disruption to services but look forward to providing care for you now and in the future.



Calling the clinic or for medicine? 
Get through direct:

Medicines: 8958 4578
Sadadeen Clinic: 7999 6400
Larapinta Clinic: 7999 6450
Gap Clinic: 8951 4444