Celebrating Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners

We pay respect to traditional owners and to the wider community. Be mindful that the image shown here may include deceased people. Please show respect and be careful.

This week we celebrate the inaugural National Recognition Day for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners. Since the beginning, Congress has recognised the importance of Aboriginal Health Workers and Practitioners, and four Aboriginal Health Workers were part of our core staff employed in 1975.

These highly-valued staff are integral to improving health outcomes for our clients, and are a vital part of our culturally responsive primary health care service. We are proud to have a strong and powerful group of Aboriginal Health Practitioners (AHP) across the organisation, strengthened by our AHP trainee program, now delivered in partnership with Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (BIITE) to provide accredited training.

Something else that makes these staff so amazing is that they are the world’s only Indigenous health professionals underpinned by national training and regulation.

This photo is from the 1980s when we conducted Aboriginal Health Worker training at Congress and the badge is what the staff use to wear to identify themselves.

Be sure to come and celebrate these important staff this Friday. Check our events on Facebook for more information.


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Get through direct:

Medicines: 8958 4578
Sadadeen Clinic: 7999 6400
Larapinta Clinic: 7999 6450
Gap Clinic: 8951 4444